Open Wounds

handWhat is an open wound?

An open wound is a type of wound where the skin cuts open to bare the underlying tissue of our body thereby exposing it to the outer environment and to the risk of infections and bleeding. As long as you are alive, you are bound to have some open wound experience, unless you are extremely lucky!

What are the causes of open wounds?

Open wounds can be caused by a number of things. It can be caused by abrasion - when you brush your skin against a rough surface; punctures from sharp objects like needles and nails; laceration - a tear of the skin as a result of a hard blow, collision, and trauma. An open wound can also be caused by incisions - wound from a sharp cut; and forceful penetration of hard objects as in the case of a stabbing; and gun shot.

Open wound complications

There might be one complications or the other judging from the health conditions of a great number of people with open wounds. The wound is expected to heal naturally with traditional care and treatment within the time range of six to eight weeks - maybe not completely but progressively, but that is not always the case. A lot of people suffer from 'non-healing open wounds' and this can give rise to some ugly complications. On the other hand, if all things are equal, then an open wound is expected to heal well and on time too.

Natural treatment for open wound

- Garlic: There is something in garlic called allicin which has great anti-fungal and anti-bacterial functions, and can heal almost any wound. Blend four to five cloves of garlic and apply it to the open wound. Leave it for twenty to thirty minutes, and then wash it off with clean running water. Please, do not leave garlic on your skin for too long to avoid damage.

- Chamomile: This an age long flower herb with awesome relaxation and healing properties. You can leave it on your wound for as long as you like, unlike garlic. The instruction is to soak some chamomile in water to get them tender, then put them on the wound. You can use some sort of gauze to hold the chamomile in place.

- Potatoes: Make some potato poultice and put on the open wound. Be sure to change this dressing every four to six hours, and rinse the wound with salt water before any dressing.

- Honey: I mean real, natural, organic uncooked honey. It is more effective than antibiotics, killing off bacteria cells, preventing infections, and healing the wound, with no side effect (sweet in every aspect). Simply apply it to the wound, (you can hold on to it with a dressing pad if need be) and you are good. 

- Calendula: This is another flower with great healing properties. It is slightly anti-microbial, has some anti-inflammatory properties too. Make a tea out of this herb by boiling the flowers, then rinse the open wound with it. 

More natural treatments for open wounds include: 

- Marshmallow root
- Lavender
- Cayenne pepper
- Aloe vera
- Coconut oil
- Comfrey root
- Witch hazel
- Tea tree oil

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